The 2000 Most Important Artists in Rock and Roll: Re-ranking Project and Compiling Project
I want to use this blog for other types of writing about music, too. I have a lot of opinions about music that are general, and particularly about canonicity. I also thought this blog would be a good place for me to launch a project where I will either count up or down on a long list that I am still working on compiling. The list (one that is borne out of my own opinion and analysis) will be entitled The 2000 Most Important Artists in Rock and Roll. I am really looking forward to the project and would like to reach out in a few ways for help or readers’ input along the way of the project. In this blog entry, I just want to outline how I’m conceiving of it and what parts I want to feature or include in the project. I have been long fascinated by the concept of canonicity within popular culture, particularly within popular music. I have been very fascinated over many years with the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and hav...